Our vision is to help students make the best degree decisions.

Our Mission

To educate and support (prospective) students to make informed (management) degree choices by showcasing the real experiences and stories of universities and business schools with video as our key medium.

Our Values


We unearth the real stories
We show what schools and programs are beyond the sales pitch
We stimulate students to learn more about their choices
We source and share the latest industry trends


We believe in the input others can bring
We are professional and put quality first 
We are ambitious to be the best we can be
We put our stamp of approval on everything we do


We get stories straight from the source
We tell stories in a real, authentic way
We are transparent and open in the way we work
We are authentic and do things our way


We put people first
We are reliable
We are service-minded
We believe in the input others can bring

Our Name

Nakho means Experience in Zulu, the language spoken in native South Africa, homeland of our founder Rick Rudolph. Edu signifies the Education Industry.

Our name indicates our drive to help students experience programs before they make their choice.

Our Story